The physical address for the ranch is 23050 Wolf Hollow Ln. Condon, OR 97823. Please DO NOT use this address for GPS or Google Maps as it will not direct you to the ranch. Instead, please follow directions below to reach us.
All correspondence should be directed to our Business Address: 1215 Dry Hollow Road, The Dalles, OR 97058, as we unable to receive mail here at the ranch.
If you are planning on shipping gear to the ranch, please call us for instructions on how to ship your gear for an upcoming hunt.
Driving Directions From Seattle (approximately 4.5 hours from Seattle)
- I-90 east for approximately- 108 miles
- Merge onto I-82 E exit 110, proceed approximately 50 miles
- Take WA-22 E exit 50, proceed .3 of a mile
- Keep right to take the Toppenish ramp toward WA-22, proceed .05 of a mile
- Merge onto WA-22 proceed approx 3 miles
- Take US-97 S, proceed approx. 58 miles
- Turn slight left onto US-97 S, proceed .2 of a mile
- Turn left onto US-97/WA-14, proceed .4 of a mile
- Take 1st right onto US-97, proceed approx. 2.5 miles crossing into Oregon
- Take I-84 E, proceed approximately 32 miles
- Take OR-19 S. Arlington exit 137
- Proceed south on Highway 19 for seventeen miles.
- Turn left on Upper Rock Creek Road for 10 miles, 1st 2 miles are paved then transitions to gravel for the last 8 miles. Please be aware there are several residences on this road that are split by the road, they have children, animals and livestock on either side.
- Turn left on Wolf Hollow Lane
- Go approximately 100 yards and turn right (a hard right) at the gate to Highland Hills Ranch.
Driving Directions From Tri-Cities Airport (approximately 2 hours to ranch)
- Follow GPS from the airport to Arlington Oregon on I-84 West, approximately 81 miles
- From I-84 West take the Arlington Exit (exit# 137).
- Go south on Highway 19 for seventeen miles.
- Turn left on Upper Rock Creek Road for 10 miles, the 1st 2 miles are paved then transitions to gravel for the last 8 miles. Please be aware there are several residences on this road that are split by
the road, they have children, animals and livestock on either side. - Turn left on Wolf Hollow Lane.
- Go approximately 100 yards and turn right (a hard right) at the gate to Highland Hills Ranch.
Directions Traveling from Portland
- Out of airport take NE Airport way for 2.5 miles
- Merge onto 1-205 South for 1.9 miles
- Merge onto I-84 East for approximately 128.8 miles to the Arlington Exit
(Exit# 137) - Go south on Highway 19 for seventeen miles.
- Turn left on Upper Rock Creek Road for 10 miles. Please be aware there are several residences on this road that are split by the road, they have children, animals and livestock on either side.
- Turn left on Wolf Hollow Lane
- Go approximately 100 yards and turn right (a hard right) at the gate to Highland Hills Ranch.
Directions Traveling From Pendleton
- I-84 West approximately 71 miles to the Arlington Exit (exit# 137).
- Go south on Highway 19 for seventeen miles.
- Turn left on Upper Rock Creek Road and travel for 10 miles. Please be aware there are several residences on this road that are split by the road, they have children, animals and livestock on either side.
- Turn left on Wolf Hollow Lane.
- Go approximately 100 yards and turn right (a hard right) at the gate to Highland Hills Ranch.
Directions Traveling From Bend
- US-97N approximately 59 miles
- Take OR-293 towards Antelope for approximately 13.5 miles
- Take OR-218 towards Fossil for approximately 34 miles
- In Condon, turn north on OR-19/John Day Highway for approximately 8 miles
- Turn right on Wolf Hollow Lane for approximately 5 miles.
- Cross over Upper Rock Creek bridge, go approximately 100 yards and turn right (a hard right) at the gate to Highland Hills Ranch. Please be aware there are several residences on this road that are split by the road, they have children, animals and livestock on either side.
Airport Information
If flying commercially we recommend flying into Portland International Airport-Identifier PDX. It is approximately a 2 ½ hour drive to the ranch thru the Columbia River gorge.
Private airport options
Condon Airport – Pauling Airfield (approximately 20 minutes from the ranch)
For those flying into this airport we are able provide transportation to and from the ranch..
- 3,500×60 feet
- ID # 3S9
- 2911′ Elevation
- ATIS-122.9
The Dalles Municipal Airport (approximately 1.5 hours from the ranch)
For those flying into this airport, you will need transportation to the ranch. Drivers Services: Ray’s Driver Service 503-880-6116 or Lucky Limo Town Car Service 503-254-0010.
Car Rentals- Enterprise Rent-A-Car Car (541) 506-5007
- 5,097×100 ft runway
- ID # DLS
Eastern Oregon Regional Airport in Pendleton (approximately 2 hours from the ranch)
For those flying into this airport, you will need transportation to the ranch. Drivers Services: Lucky Limo Town Car Service 503-254-0010.
Car rentals-Boutique Car- (541) 276-7754.
- 6,301×150 ft runway
Shuttle/Driver Service from Portland to Highland Hills Ranch
- Lucky Limo Town Car Service – 503-254-0010
- United Coachways – 888-943-1466
- Ray’s Driver Service 503-880-6116
Charter Flights:
- Air SF Charter: (650) 678-6700
- Airborne Aircraft Management (206) 295-3787 – Seattle area
- Aurora Aviation: (503) 678-1217
- EvoJets: (877) 678-1217
- Flight Craft: (503) 331-4271
- Hillsboro Aviation: (503) 648-2831
- Jetstream Aviation: (208) 345-3730
- WestAir Charter (208) 338-1853 – Boise area
Helicopter Charter Service
- Hillsboro Helicopter (503) 648-2831 – Portland Oregon area
- J R Helicopter (509) 452-3300 – South central Washington
- Leading Edge Aviation (541) 383-8825 – Bend Oregon